PostyBirb Translation Guide Each text translation that occurs in PostyBirb is in this file. Please put the relevant translation beneath the text being translated. Please specify the language it is being translated to. LANGUAGE: TRANSLATOR: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Accepted Files" "Accepted Ratings" "Accepted Type" "Add Files" "Add From Clipboard" "Additional Images" "Additional Options" "Adult" "All" "All Ages" "Allow Community Tags" "Allow error logs" "Animation" "Apply Edits" "Apply Template" "Artwork" "Authentication Failed" "Available Websites" "Block Guests" "By using PostyBirb you agree to the Terms of Service and Rules of the sites that you are posting to. You are responsible for everything you post." "Cancel" "Cancel All" "Category" "Change file" "Changelog" "Charge Patrons" "Clear" "Clear All" "Clear Scheduled" "Clear Templates" "Clear Unscheduled" "Close" "Confirm Action" "Contact" "Contact me on one of these sites:" "Copy" "Copy Submission" "Create Template" "Critique" "Dashboard" "Default Description" "Default Tags" "Delete" "Delete All" "Delete Template" "Description" "Description Help" "Description is more than {{length}} characters" "Disable" "Disable Comments" "Donate" "Donations incentivize me to continue to keep PostyBirb updated." "Draft" "Drag to reorder" "Drag with your mouse or hold Shift or Ctrl (Command) to select multiple files." "Duplicate tag ({{tag}}) ignored" "Edit" "Edit Selected" "Edit Submissions" "Emergency Stop" "Enabled" "Extreme" "Failed" "Failure" "Feature" "Friends Only" "Gender" "General" "Gore/Violence" "Group Only" "Help" "Help Advertise PostyBirb" "Help Translate" "Hidden" "Ideology" "Incorrect username or password." "Initializing" "Interrupted" "Invalid for selected websites" "License" "Load Template" "Login" "Logout" "Logs" "Mature" "Mature Category" "Mature Content" "Minimum Pledge" "Minors" "Moderate" "Music" "New" "No" "No Free Download" "None" "Not Logged In" "Notify" "Nudity" "Offline" "Open" "Original Work" "Other" "Overwrite Default" "Password" "Paused until" "Please provide a file" "Please provide at least {{min}} tags" "Please separate each tag with a comma (one, two, three)" "Post" "Post All" "Post a journal or status to one or more websites from one simple form" "Posted" "Posting" "PostyBirb Post Logs" "PostyBirb Settings" "PostyBirb has been provided free because I cannot guarantee optimal functionality at all times." "Public" "Queued" "Rating" "Refresh" "Remove" "Reset All" "Save" "Save Template" "Save current form to allow it to be reused in future submissions" "Save submissions to the gallery for posting" "Schedule" "Schedule Submission" "Schedule or post multimedia submissions to multiple websites all at once from one simple form" "Scheduled" "Scheduled Submissions" "Select Blog" "Select Folder" "Select Profile" "Selected" "Selected Websites" "Settings" "Sexual Content" "Sexual Themes" "Show Password" "Something not working right?" "Source URL" "Species" " Only" "Status" "Stop" "Stop On Failure" "Stop posting on submission failure" "Story" "Strict" "Strong Language" "Submission Failed" "Submission Gallery" "Submission Help" "Submission Posted" "Submission Type" "Submission did not post successfully. Would you like to stop?" "Submissions" "Success" "Summary" "Tags" "Tags that will be sent to all websites unless overwritten" "Template Name" "Text will not be reformatted when posting" "Theme" "This description will be used for all websites checked to use default" "Thumbnail" "Time to post" "Title" "Unauthorize" "Unlisted" "Unposted" "Unscheduled" "Unselected" "Unsupported file size" "Unsupported file type" "Unsupported rating" "Unsupported submission type" "Update Available" "Use Default" "Use Title" "Use basic editor" "Username" "Using Default" "Website" "Website Offline" "Yes" "Your password is not stored." "{{value}} failed to post" "{{value}} posted successfully"