Posting Submission(s)
Once you have created and edited your submission (satisfying all requirements) you will be allowed to post a submission.
Submitting A Submission To Post
Once you click on one of the posting buttons and verifying that you want to post the submission will be removed the from editable submission column and sent to the queue.
You can view the queue by going to the Home page or clicking on Show Queue on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Submissions will post in the order that you queue them and currently will not begin to work on the next submission until the submission at the top of the queue completes.
You can view the queue by going to the Home page or clicking on Show Queue on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Submissions will post in the order that you queue them and currently will not begin to work on the next submission until the submission at the top of the queue completes.
When A Submission Completes
There are two possible outcomes for a completed submission.
Congratulations! The post was successful. You will be notified of the success and the submission will be cleaned up and removed from the application.
Note: From time to time it is suggested that you check that all posts actually appear on the websites.
This means that something went wrong. Either somewhere in PostyBirb itself or when attempting to post to the website.
When a post fails to post to at least one website, it will be sent back to the editing column with the successful posts removed from the website list.
When a failure occurs, PostyBirb will attempt (although not always) to provide a meaningful reason as to why it thinks the submission failed in the bottom left of the screen (these notification do not stay around for long).
Note: If you feel that a failure is caused by some kind of error or problem then please Contact me.
Congratulations! The post was successful. You will be notified of the success and the submission will be cleaned up and removed from the application.
Note: From time to time it is suggested that you check that all posts actually appear on the websites.
This means that something went wrong. Either somewhere in PostyBirb itself or when attempting to post to the website.
When a post fails to post to at least one website, it will be sent back to the editing column with the successful posts removed from the website list.
When a failure occurs, PostyBirb will attempt (although not always) to provide a meaningful reason as to why it thinks the submission failed in the bottom left of the screen (these notification do not stay around for long).
Note: If you feel that a failure is caused by some kind of error or problem then please Contact me.
PostyBirb Settings That Affect Posting Behavior
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Enabling this setting will append a Posted by PostyBirb message to the bottom of a submission's description.
Empty Queue When A Post Fails
When enabled, if there are multiple queued submissions and the most recent one fails, the entire queue will be cleared (not including scheduled submissions).
Time Between Posts (In Minutes)
This setting will space out the period of time between queued submissions.
For example, if set to 5 minute and there are two submissions in the queue, PostyBirb will make sure to space these posts out by 5 minutes.
Note: This option has some weird behavior sometimes so it is commonly suggested to schedule submissions instead.
Enabling this setting will append a Posted by PostyBirb message to the bottom of a submission's description.
Empty Queue When A Post Fails
When enabled, if there are multiple queued submissions and the most recent one fails, the entire queue will be cleared (not including scheduled submissions).
Time Between Posts (In Minutes)
This setting will space out the period of time between queued submissions.
For example, if set to 5 minute and there are two submissions in the queue, PostyBirb will make sure to space these posts out by 5 minutes.
Note: This option has some weird behavior sometimes so it is commonly suggested to schedule submissions instead.